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Tis the Season

Tis the Season By Meg Cullar It happens every year. Christmas comes on December 25, pretty much like clockwork. And with just as much regularity every year, I’m not ready. I have plenty of excuses. Here at the Baylor Line we generally have a mid-December deadline for the winter issue you receive in January, so […]

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March for Unity

By Judy Prather As Baylor alums, if we are to honor our education, we will keep learning for our entire lives. Last Friday morning, it was Baylor students who were my teachers. I was one of about two hundred students, faculty, administrators, alumni, and parents who participated in a “unity march,” held the morning of

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Symbolic Meaning

By Lisa Asher When Baylor students receive their official class rings at the alumni association’s December 2 ring ceremony, they will be told the meaning of the symbols depicted on their rings. These images–which include bells, an ivy chain, and the Old Main Tower–are certainly important symbols within the Baylor family. But when I look

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Graduation Day

By Luke Blount I’m a college graduate. After seventeen years of education, I have finally received that special piece of paper that proves I’m somewhat coherent. I’m a college graduate. It really is an accomplishment, but I don’t quite feel like I thought I would. I just have to keep reminding myself; I’m a college

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Defining Tenure

Matthew C. Cordon Director of Legal Research, Associate Director of the Law Library, and Professor of Law Chair, Baylor University Faculty Senate, 2007-08 Recent news stories about the denial of tenure to a high percentage of Baylor University faculty members have to some degree renewed discussion about the place and importance of tenure in university

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