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Baylor Line is the independent voice of Baylor alumni. And we’ve been in that business since 1859.

Since 1946, we’ve been the only independent, member-supported, and alumni-focused media organization in the Baylor Family. For over 75 years, Baylor Line has chronicled life in the Baylor Family, covering the administration, student life, and campus activities, as well as all the Bears across the generations and their stories. Our reporting is unique, personal, and — firmly — independent of influence, bias, or sway.

Baylor Line was founded in 1946 (succeeding The Baylor Century and various other small alumni newsletters) by Jack Dillard and for decades was published by the Baylor Alumni Association, through support and donation by Baylor alums, like you. Its purpose was to inform and connect alumni across the Baylor Family, and we’re still in that very same business today. Since 2016, we’ve been published by Baylor Line Foundation. (You can read more about that transition here.)

Find our reporting on every major platform where you might enjoy it, from this website to our award-winning printed magazine, plus our podcasts, videos, eBooks, events, and more. Our combined reach is more than 30,000 Baylor students, graduates, and fans… and counting.

Unlike other outlets in the Baylor Family, we don’t report “the news.” Instead, we focus on telling intentional stories with exceptional skill. We provide coverage beyond campus and that means focusing on the scenes and characters and hidden forces that you might not find elsewhere, whether that’s an alumni profile or a deeply researched investigative piece.

Baylor Line’s new destination website was launched in Fall 2022 with a new direction and commitment to provide digital-first reporting and fresh, innovative storytelling. If you’re new to Baylor Line, we hope you like what you see and want more. We offer several subscription packages, including Digital, Digital + Print, Current Student, Recent Graduate, Life Member, and Editor’s Circle. Find out more here. If you are already a subscriber, thank you! Please log in to access your subscription. And if you are a marketer who wants to reach an energized, active, and diverse group of Bears, we are eager to discuss our advertising opportunities with you.

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Baylor Line is supported by individual contributions and subscriptions (click here to join), major gifts, corporate sponsorships, events, and foundation grants. A list of supporters and sponsors can be viewed here.