More than Just Water; How One Alumnus is Helping the World

By: Katie Burns It started as a desire to help his congregation overcome consumerism in the Christmas season. Now it is a full-scale mission effort involving hundreds of churches. Chris Seay ‘93, pastor of Ecclesia Church in Houston, is helping to bring clean water to hundreds of communities worldwide. Seay first developed a passion for

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Dr. Jim Denison to Speak at Lifelong Learning Program

By: Katie Burns Dr. Jim Denison, former Park Cities Baptist Church pastor, will speak on February 17, at the Baylor Alumni Association’s Lifelong Learning Coffee. Lifelong Learning provides adults an opportunity to expand their knowledge and education through a variety of speakers, classes, and events. Jim Denison will speak to the group about the importance

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Memories of the Class of 1961—Still Holding “That Good Old Baylor Line”

In 1961 we left Baylor declaring that “We’ll do things that can’t be done!  We’re the Class of ’61!” In 1962, I traveled in Europe and crossed over the Berlin Wall. I listened to the U.N. debate the U. S. blockade of Soviet ships. Concerns about the future began to impinge on our brave graduation

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