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The BAA Legacy Scholarship: Jennifer Thomson’s Story

My mom always joked about brainwashing me growing up.  She showed me old pictures of her moving into Baylor, thrust her green and gold hoodies at me, and sat me down each Saturday in the fall to watch the Bears play football.  I heard “That Good ‘Ol Baylor Line” more times than our national anthem.  It was all enjoyable, but it didn’t mean much to me until my senior year of high school, when college suddenly became a reality and not just a means to escape the tiny town I grew up in.  My mom and I toured several other colleges, and she spent those tours pointing out the benefits each school offered.  I knew she would love for me to attend Baylor, but she wanted me to make up my own mind about what college to attend.  The schools were nice, but when I toured Baylor, I just knew.  This was my place to be.

Junior Jennifer Thomson '16 (far right), with her grandmother, Doris Hooks BBA  '49 and cousin, Dayna Wiesmann.
Junior Jennifer Thomson ’16 (far right), with her grandmother, Doris Hooks BBA ’49 and cousin, Dayna Wiesmann.

My mom, grandma, aunt and several other family members all attended Baylor.  They’ve etched themselves in the history of this school — literally.  You can find my family’s names on bricks across campus and in the business school.  There’s even an engraving of my great uncle in the Student Union.  Baylor has been an important part of my family’s lives for several generations, and graduating high school, it was suddenly my turn to continue the tradition.  But it didn’t feel like an obligation.  It felt like coming home.

I can’t picture being at any school but Baylor.  However, it’s no secret that tuition costs more than is polite to say.  My sister is in college at this time as well, and money’s been tight.  God always provides what we need, but every little bit helps.  It was such a blessing to receive the BAA Legacy Scholarship last year; it (enabled us) to buy a ticket for me so I could come home for Christmas.  That was really great.

I sincerely thank all of you who donated to make the scholarship possible.  Your generosity is just another reminder that family is more than bloodlines; it’s the Baylor Bubble and all who come with it.

Thank you and God bless,

Jennifer Thomson

The Baylor Alumni Association has distributed more than $212,000 to 55 deserving Baylor legacy students since 2011, including $27,000+ to 42 students for the fall semester of 2014.  In this segment of our continuing series, we bring you Jennifer Thomson’s story — in part to remind you how terrific — and appreciative — our current crop of Bears are, in part to rekindle some memories and bring a smile to your face, and in part to encourage you to contribute to this important program.  Your donation will help us continue to offer these scholarships — hopefully with larger amounts for these legacy students.  If you’d like to donate, please click here.

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