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Update on Ian McCaw & Baylor University

Over the last several weeks, the ongoing investigation into the sexual assault scandal at Baylor has seen new developments. The most notable of these developments has been the deposition of former Baylor Athletic Director Ian McCaw, taken on June 19th. His deposition, now available in full, levies serious new allegations against Baylor’s leadership, processes, and handling of rape cases going back several decades. McCaw says that he left the university because he “was disgusted at that point with the regents, the racism, (and) the phony finding of fact,” and “did not want to be part of some Enron cover -up scheme”.

Throughout the summer, around 60 others who are connected to the sexual assault scandal, including counselors, police officers, coaches, and university leadership, will also be deposed in the Jane Doe case against Baylor. The timeline of those depositions, and what will be made public, is still unknown.

McCaw, who is now the Athletic Director at Liberty University, has alleged that the Baylor football team, coaching staff, and specifically black football players were targeted in order to deflect responsibility from a university-wide problem that reached back decades and included Title IX negligence, police corruption, a predetermined Pepper Hamilton report, and a culture that attempted to silence whistleblowers who might damage the Baylor brand.

Baylor has denied all of these allegations, saying McCaw’s testimony “is based on speculation, hearsay and even media reports”. On Friday, Dr. Livingstone stated her support for the actions taken by the Board of Regents in the past, and her support for the Pepper Hamilton findings and the process by which it was developed. You can read those comments here.

As alumni, we have a right to know the truth, and should demand nothing less. It is the position of the Baylor Line Foundation that the university must be held to standards of utmost transparency in this sensitive matter, and that a full accounting of facts and findings must be given directly to the Baylor family, no matter what they may be.

As this story continues to develop, we will continue to report the facts, and hope that you join the conversation as we all pursue the truth.

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2 thoughts on “Update on Ian McCaw & Baylor University”

  1. Charles T Dennis BBA 1980

    All administrators involved in this (especially those not in the Football program) must be interrogated and investigated and where there is wrongdoing they must be removed from their positions of responsibility. This includes the Board of Regents. Any board member that knew of this being an effort to pen the sole responsibility of this sexual harassment culture must be removed from the board and a new Board needs to be set up that will operate without racial and sexual discrimination (or reverse discrimination). Everyone from the Baylor Police, Housing Administrators, Councilors, Professors, Coaches, Everyone… No stone should be left unturned… Lastly Pepper Hamilton should be reviewed with regard to their findings. How were they obtained and how are they supported? How much corroborating evidence was accumulated and did the corroborating evidence fully support the assertions in the report. If there are inconsistencies they should be referred to an attorney for possible legal action.

    For the sake of the University which I love, For the legacy of my family (Dr Euell Porter) Baylor leadership owes this to it’s students, alumni, athletes, staff, and the public. It must be done in an open and transparent way.

  2. Every Baylor alum has a stake in how this terrible situation is settled and honestly and fully reported. Is Baylor a Christian university that bases its relationships with its constituents on Christian principles, or is it a sham? We are all embarrassed by this scandal and it is far passed time for the university and its regents to do the right thing. We trusted Baylor’s reputation to give credence to our educational reputation, and we paid dearly for it. Come on folks, you owe it to us to get this settled and the settlement published. Give the alumni a break. We are tired of being ridiculed and embarrassed.

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