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Getting to Know…U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy ’86 (R-SC)

trey gowdy photoOn Thursday, Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) faces, as Politico Magazine puts it, “the biggest moment of his political career when he squares off with (former Secretary of State and current Presidential candidate Hillary) Clinton” when she sits down with his Benghazi subcommittee to discuss a variety of topics.  Before you watch the hearings (or if you’re asking yourself after the hearing, “Who is this guy? I didn’t know he was a Baylor Bear.”), you can get to know the 1986 Baylor alum and former prosecutor a bit better.

Here’s a link to the cover story in the new Baylor Line on Congressman Gowdy.  Please note:  This is a large file, so it may take awhile to load on some computers or mobile devices.

If you’d like to go online to read the entire issue, which is arriving in our active members’ mailboxes this week, you can click on this link.

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1 thought on “Getting to Know…U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy ’86 (R-SC)”

  1. Just read the article on Trey Gowdy and was certainly impressed by his staunch pursuit of the simple truth. As he said, the truth is not Democratic or Republican, it is just the truth. He is being skewered in certain articles regarding his questioning of Hillary Clinton but in reality he is simply asking her to clarify incongruencies and be honest about Benghazi. The American public has a “let’s move on” attitude on this, but an American ambassador was ambushed and murdered in a pre-planned attack that was largely ignored by the cabinet until they had to scramble an after-the fact-plan. I applaud Mr. Gowdy’s pursuit of truth and hopefully, ultimately justice. I do not wish to have a so-called leader who would willfully dismiss this travesty as well as cover it up and even outright lie to maintain her image. Proud to have Trey Gowdy as a fellow alumnus and a shining example of the courage to do the right thing and not the popular thing in the face of rather ignorant opposition.
    James Nichols, M.D., B.S. Biology ’87

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