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Happy 100th Birthday, Baylor Student Government

So, did you serve in Student Government during your time at Baylor, or benefit from its efforts to provide students with a voice in university governance?

Baylor students voted in a straw poll in October 1914 to ask the administration to recognize the Student Self-Governing Association, which it did in January 2015. Photo Credit: Baylor Lariat

The University commemorated 100 years of student government at Baylor earlier this week, leading off the article with a great quote from an October 1914 Lariat article: “…as we see it, self government is the inevitable trend of the progressive student life; it is a proven success beyond question in the largest and smallest schools of the country; it is not a moment fad, but a fundamental and logical principle of the American universities and American life.”  

The Lariat also published an article last October on the anniversary.

We’d like to give members of the Baylor Family who served in student government an opportunity to reflect on their accomplishments and pride at being part of the organization, and perhaps reflect on times when student goals did not align with university goals and how that got resolved.  Please use the comments below.


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4 thoughts on “Happy 100th Birthday, Baylor Student Government”

  1. Christopher Loeffler

    I had the opportunity to serve in Student Congress from 1993 to 1997. First as an at large representative and the remaning years representing the business school. I also had an opportunity to chair the Student Life committee. During this time, Baylor entered the Big 12 and several members had an opportunity to meet various Big 8 schools before the official merger . During this time, Student Congreess voted to use part of the Student Life Fund to implement e-mail stations around campus for employees, had input into the design of the Student Life Center, had representation to provide input for the presidential search that lead to Robert Sloan’s tenure.

  2. Kay Kallina Ingram

    Elected to Baylor Student Congress as a Freshman representative in the Fall of ’62, I met my future husband, James E. Ingram BA ’64 JD ’70, in the SC office located in what is now the Daniels Student Union Bldg. Since my maiden name began with a “K” and his with an “I”, we were seated next to one another during meetings in the Hankamer auditorium. We became friends that shared football enthusiasm (he played for the Bears ’60-’63), Mr. Reid’s history class, a SC retreat to Laity Lodge, lots of campus walks and our faith in God. We married in 1964 and had a journey together for 30 years until his death in January 1995. I treasure the memories of serving in SC for two years along side James. Being a tiny part of the Baylor SC history still today gives me joy.

  3. Stacy Measures Caudill

    I was a Freshman and Sophomore representative from 1982-1984. This was the first organization I was in at Baylor, and I met many wonderful people. I served on the “Food Committee” which I found as great fun. We were the test-tasters for new food served in the dorm cafeterias. For some reason, I really remember trying Gyros, but I can’t remember if we decided if they should be served or not. I remember that we had a retreat when we were first elected, and I also recall having a white-elephant Christmas party. I don’t think we had any major dramas take place while I was in Congress. I just know that I loved Baylor and was excited to become involved and really enjoyed getting to know several people through Congress.

  4. I was Student Body President during in1967. It was a tumultuous time, including the war in Viet Nam. Our student body was aware, but not heavily protesting the war. The events of lasting importance (or at least, interest) in our year were as follows:
    1. We held the first computer-run election for offices in the Congress. I expect we were the first election ever affected by hanging chads. I had to call a close friend in west Texas over the Thanksgiving holiday to inform that he, in fact, had not won a position in the student congress after the hand count had completed.
    2. My memory is hazy, but I think Diadeloso was first held that year.
    3. To the great satisfaction of Bear fans ever since, we voted to include women cheerleaders. Until then only men were part of the cheer squad.

    Sorry I cannot be there to participate in the 100th year celebration of student government. Being a part of it was transformative for me, and I will always be indebted to Baylor, KOT and the Student Congress.
    Sam Hull MD

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