Question: Should the Board of Regents release the full Pepper Hamilton report to the Baylor Family?

The Philadelphia law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP was hired by the Baylor Board of Regents in early September 2015 to conduct a thorough and independent external investigation into the university’s handling of cases of alleged sexual violence.  Baylor has not said how it will handle distribution or publication of Pepper Hamilton’s findings. Pepper Hamilton’s report […]

Question: Should the Board of Regents release the full Pepper Hamilton report to the Baylor Family? Read More »

Applications now available for 2016-17 Legacy Scholarships

The BAA has begun accepting applications for Legacy Scholarships for the 2016-17 school year.  The process is open to all undergraduates (including incoming freshmen) who are the children or grandchildren of Baylor alumni families and are enrolled or admitted into Baylor University. At this point, we anticipate that each scholarship will be for $1,000, payable

Applications now available for 2016-17 Legacy Scholarships Read More »

Student-managed Phil Dorr investment fund contributes $180,000 to Baylor athletic scholarships

Baylor Business School students enrolled in the Practicum in Portfolio Management course saw the fruits of their efforts to manage “real money” with the recent presentation of $180,000 to the Athletic Department for student-athlete scholarships. The “real money” comes from the Philip M. Dorr Alumni & Friends Endowed Investment Fund, which was started 15 years ago

Student-managed Phil Dorr investment fund contributes $180,000 to Baylor athletic scholarships Read More »