You are Welcome Here

This article was published in the Spring 2008 issue of The Baylor Line and written by Steve Blow. A unique Dallas ministry provides hope and love to those with mental illness “WOULD I BE WELCOME HERE?” the man asked. That simple question sent the Rev. Joel Pulis’s life in a whole new direction — a […]

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Out of Reach

This article was published in the Spring 2008 issue of The Baylor Line and written by Meg Cullar. The rising cost of a college education can appear daunting. But, university officials say, recent boosts in financial aid are helping students attain their dreams of a Baylor degree. The numbers don’t lie—college tuition nationwide is going

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Why Independent?

This article was published in the Fall 2009 issue of The Baylor Line.  FOR 150 YEARS, the Baylor Alumni Association (BAA) has provided alumni with an organization through which they can demonstrate—in both word and deed—their full support of Baylor University’s unique mission as an institution of higher education. Over the years, as Baylor’s mission

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Building Unity: Fall 2008

This article was published in the Fall 2008 issue of The Baylor Line. The Baylor Alumni Association recently asked alumni and friends a short but important question: “What can be done to unite Baylor?”  In response came a wealth of widely varying suggestions. During the recent transition in Baylor University’s administration, Dr. Howard Batson, chair

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Brewing Excitement

Only a mile from downtown Waco, something has Elm Avenue hopping.  “I think there’s a lot of excitement,” David Stoneking said. “People have rediscovered it. Waco is growing. Now we’re growing on this side of the river too.”  Stoneking (’07) and Jacob Martinka are the founders of Brotherwell Brewing. Their brewery is located minutes from

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