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Art Briles Is Still Standing

The coach sat down with Baylor Line to discuss the storm, the truth, and what comes next

Art Briles Baylor Football

May 24, 2016

That evening, they met behind Robinson Tower to avoid being seen. The group of men entered the back of the building and made their way up towards a conference room. This would be Art Briles’ last-ditch effort to explain his side of the story. A handful of Regents were present, with others on the conference call. Briles asked for the meeting and they obliged.

Briles had already received a heads-up phone call letting him know that his time at Baylor was over. A group of Regents had determined that amidst mounting media pressure over the sexual assault scandal they needed to part ways with Briles. Only, the Board didn’t have authority to fire him. That job had to be done by Ian McCaw or Ken Starr.

Inside the conference room in Robinson Tower, Briles sensed the awkwardness. He presented a few options of how to move forward and still stay on as the head coach. He suggested ways the Title IX process could be improved. He read the room and quickly understood the decision had already been made. This meeting was a courtesy, and nothing else.

When Briles asked for a specific reason why he was losing his job after eight historic years as Baylor’s football coach, he was told, “You’re not the right person to run the program.”

“It was a dagger in my heart,” Briles said.

For the last two years, much has been said about Art Briles.

But Art Briles hasn’t said much.

For those who know him, that comes as no surprise. Following his departure from Baylor, every sports and news show in the nation discussed and projected his role in the ‘coverup’ of sexual assaults by Baylor football players. While the allegations mounted, Briles limited his exposure to the media.

“If you want to be honest, I got bashed so bad,” Briles said. “I figured anything I said, people would say well this guy is just talking, trying to prove this or prove that. I’ve always lived by the quote ‘people may doubt what you say, but they’ll always believe what you do.’ If somebody wanted to go back and trace me on a daily basis through 38+ years of coaching, everybody I’ve dealt with day in and day out, there’s never been a single complaint filed against me. I just think your actions speak louder than your words. It’s like how my Dad raised me – if you’re good, somebody will tell you. You don’t have to tell them. You just keep your mouth shut. People can form the opinions they want to form. Someday we’ll all be judged accordingly. I don’t think it’s my spot or anybody else’s spot to rush to judgment.”

Art Briles Baylor Football

The most discussed interview was done on ESPN by Tom Rinaldi. The network hyped the interview for a week and teased portions of it during the College Gameday Kickoff. In the interview, Briles took responsibility for some of what happened at Baylor, and stated, “I feel responsibility. I mean, I do. These players are part of our program. And representative of our program. When they do wrong, it reflects on me. So I do feel responsibility.” He was widely criticized for the interview. Supporters wished he hadn’t taken any of the blame and implicated himself. Detractors said he didn’t take nearly enough of the blame. For his part, Briles is still evaluating the impact the interview had on his prospects of ever finding another head coaching job.

“The ESPN deal, I was pretty weak at the time,” he said. “I was given some information on how to respond, and that either was or wasn’t the right thing to do. At the time, you just don’t know.”

“What do you think, Jan? Have I changed?”

His wife of 40 years looks at him with a smile, like she can’t tell if he’s joking or not.

“Yeah,” she said. “We all have.”Art Briles Baylor Football

Over the last two years, Art Briles has been laying low in the Texas Hill Country. He spends several hours every day writing. He’s also been developing a new offense he describes as “revolutionary” and like “a self-driving car”, and stays in constant contact with the bevy of coaches who have worked with him in the past. His son, Kendal, is the offensive coordinator at Houston. Others in his coaching tree are spread among schools around the nation and in the NFL.

“I stay extremely involved. Probably more so than they want,” he laughs. “Asking questions, and offering unsolicited advice.”

For Briles, these men and their families are at the center of the burden he still carries from what happened at Baylor. When the Baylor football empire was dismantled, Briles felt responsibility for those who had been lost in rubble and struggled to clear their names.

“I’m not sure many people have been through this like a lot of us have, not just me,” he said, referring to coaches and staff who lost their jobs. “The effect of the fallout, if you want to call it that, start with victims who have certainly suffered, and will probably continue to do so for a long time. Then you look at the families. The coaches. Staff. It hurts you. It hurts your soul. It hurts me particularly. Those were all people I love and care about. I feel a basis of responsibility from the fallout of it. That takes a big chunk out of your life and your spirit, quite honestly. I’m not content. I’m not satisfied. But I’m okay. I’ve got most of my health. I’m 62 years old, and I’m starting over again. But I’m okay doing that. All those people (coaches) are having to start over. It’s like they never were in the profession. They can’t get jobs. I’m not the only one that couldn’t get a job. As time goes on it helps, because they get a chance to be known as people, and not as labels. You’re labeled. You’re judged differently. It lets you see a different side of humanity, and that’s disturbing. It really is.”

Art Briles Baylor Football

We sit on the front porch of a coffee shop off a main road. His wife, Jan, has also joined us. For a football coach, Briles is soft-spoken. At times, his responses are inaudible over the sound of cars driving past. He works out every day and is lean, wearing a black track jacket and black cap, just as he did so often during his time at Baylor. Except, these have no BU logo. For someone who has been scrutinized by the media, he is surprisingly forthright and joyful, although he admits that there were times in the past few years where he has dealt with depression.

“Am I a different person?” Briles said. “Yeah. I don’t think I’m nearly as confident as I was earlier. You feel like people look at you differently. You lived your life in public view. People say I know him, he’s a good guy, good person, good family man, cares about kids. Then you have other people that are saying different things about you. It shells you a little bit. I’m certainly different. No doubt. Sadly, I think the thing that helped me be a good person and, if you want to say, a good coach, is that I was loyal and I trusted people. I’ve always given people the benefit of the doubt. I’ve always expected good out of people until they prove me wrong. Then you judge from there. But I’ve never prejudged anybody. With everything that transpired a couple years ago, my trust factor is certainly lower. I think I’m still extremely loyal, but with a lot tighter group than I was before. Sadly, that’s something that’s changed about me.”

Briles wants to make something abundantly clear: he isn’t bitter about what happened.

“It’s hurtful. Not bitter,” he clarified. “That’s the difference. I’ve never been bitter, from day one. I’ve always been grateful and thankful for where I’ve been, for the people I’ve been able to represent and become good friends with. I have a lot of great friends from my time at Baylor. Great people. A lot of great memories. Why should I let a minority of 5-7 people destroy my feelings for thousands? I’m not that way.”

Perhaps the story of Art Briles would have faded away over time as someone who simply got the short end of the stick, or as a captain who sunk with the ship. His defenders would slowly give up hope for justice, and resign to the fact that because of how the investigation was handled, the real truth would never be revealed.

Until, Dolores Lozano brought a lawsuit against him.

Until, a Jane Doe sexual assault case was brought against Baylor, requiring depositions from key players like former Athletic Director Ian McCaw. Those depositions are slowly being made public.

“Ian knows everything,” Briles said.

Briles recalls the first time he was introduced to the attorneys from Pepper Hamilton.

“When they initially came to us, they said these people are here to help us. They came in my office with Chris Holmes, Doug Welch, and Ian (McCaw) and introduced them. They said, “Hey these people are here on campus to help us.” To make sure we are doing everything we can to protect students. They were kind of there at that time investigating the Sam Ukwuachu case. That’s kind of what brought it all about.”

The attorneys’ names were Gina Maisto Smith and Leslie M. Gomez.

McCaw introduced the women as lawyers from a firm in Philadelphia, and explained that they would be helping Baylor work through some of their Title IX issues.

To Briles, Title IX was a fairly new concept. No one in the football department had in-person training until 2015. As he recalls, his first introduction to Title IX training came in the form of an instructional video that was attached to an email sent to him.

Some time later, it became clear that Pepper Hamilton was doing a more thorough investigation than Briles or anyone else in the football department anticipated. They were granted access to eight years of his email and text messages, and began meeting with individual coaches. According to reports, they never interviewed any of the players.

Briles sat down with the Pepper Hamilton attorneys on two different occasions.

“The first time was probably two and a half hours. The second time, probably an hour,” he said. “As it went on, we could sense they were taking a different turn. I didn’t have an agent. But other coaches had agents saying I need to get a lawyer. If you’re going to sit in there, you need to have a lawyer. A representative. Because the angle had changed and they were trying to implicate some people. I asked about it to higher-ups, at least twice and maybe three times, and they said no, it can’t happen. That was a mistake. It was a mistake that none of it was recorded, supposedly. They were on a conference call back in Philadelphia. They could have been back in Philadelphia with a recorder. But when they were talking to us, they said it was not recorded.”Art Briles Baylor Football

Briles is careful about how he discusses the investigation, just as he has been since the beginning. He still trusts that justice will prevail.

“It’d be a safe call to say they were mission-oriented,” he said. “I’m not here to bash or blame or protect or hide. Apparently, and I think it’s been proven, that there’s been a lot of failure from a lot of sides. As transparency becomes more public, interviews like this won’t need to be done. The facts will finally speak. Right now, everybody is putting a spin on it. Everybody is creating their own narrative. The facts will speak the narrative. At the end of the day, that’s what will determine exactly what went down and why.”

Despite all that has happened, Briles is still holding out hope. He wants justice for the victims. He wants the stigma removed from his former coaches, staffs, and players. He wants everything that has been in the dark to come into the light.

And he wants his name back.

During the ESPN interview, when asked about the meaning of his name, Briles, fighting back tears, said, “I certainly hope it means honor. Integrity. Passion. And care. It means it to me.”

Defending a family name is a key factor in understanding who Art Briles is today, who he has always been, and why he is so determined to find justice. As a twenty-year-old football player, his parents were tragically killed in an automobile accident on the way to see him play. Since then, he has felt the responsibility to carry on his family name with integrity. He feels that the allegations levied at him over the last two years are a direct insult to his name, and thus to his parents’ legacy.

Art Briles Baylor Football

“All I really want is my name back,” Briles said. “That’s what I want.”

After the ESPN interview, the media blitz against the Briles name was just beginning.

In October of 2016, a highly-contested article came out in the Wall Street Journal that detailed the alleged sexual assault problems within the football program, making a case for why Briles was fired. They ran text messages from Briles about player discipline, and suggested he had helped cover up serious allegations. The remaining coaches from Briles’ staff fumed in the office of new Athletic Director Mack Rhoades. According to a recent deposition of former Athletic Director Ian McCaw, a few members of the Board of Regents, with the help of G.F Bunting and Co, a public relations firm hired by Baylor, steered the article to the Wall Street Journal. The article claimed that 17 women had reported assaults by 19 players since 2011. For Briles, it was the first time he was hearing much of the information, and the article detailed stories he wasn’t aware existed.

The allegations laid forth in the article all but ensured Art Briles would not be hired by another university.
Six months later, in a letter dated May 23, 2017, Baylor General Counsel, Christopher W. Holmes wrote to Briles:
“In particular, at this time we are unaware of any situation where you personally had contact with anyone who directly reported to you being the victim of sexual assault or that you directly discouraged the victim of an alleged sexual assault from reporting to law enforcement or University officials. Nor are we aware of any situation where you played a student athlete who had been found responsible for sexual assault. 

We wish you the very best in your future endeavors.”

Briles made political errors along the way.

After beating TCU 61-58 during the 2014 season and finishing with an identical record, Big XII Commissioner Bob Bowlsby decided to label the two teams co-champions of the Big XII. To Briles, and others, this meant Baylor would not be one of the final four teams in the College Football Playoff. He berated Bowlsby at the trophy ceremony, and cameras caught the exchange.Art Briles Baylor Football

“We turned it upside down. I will say that,” Briles said. “It changed the whole dynamics of who the power brokers were on the football field. And off. That’s why I fought so hard for the College Football Playoff, and supported and defended our football team. I knew it would hurt me professionally and personally with the commissioner of the Big XII. It was the right thing to do. I did truthfully feel like Baylor was getting slighted and judged by decades prior, instead of the present. I was being loyal to the university and loyal to our team.”

When news broke about the sexual assault scandal, Briles was isolated. There was no power structure left to appeal to.

Briles has been paying close attention to the new developments in the Jane Doe 1-10 case – a case that has been releasing depositions to the public about what happened during the sexual assault scandal. For those who are unaware, 10 Jane Does are being represented by Waco attorney and Baylor alum Jim Dunnam, and they are suing Baylor for its handling of sexual assault. The lawsuit, which has become a lightning rod on campus and in the community, is reopening old wounds that many hoped had closed. Unsavory details have been slowly leaking through court filings.

The conversation around the lawsuit accelerated when former Athletic Director Ian McCaw’s testimony was released. The motion revealed that McCaw told lawyers he believes Briles, the athletic department, and black football players specifically were made scapegoats of the scandal.

Art Briles Baylor FootballBaylor has vehemently denied these allegations, and has sought to limit the discovery in the Jane Doe case, presumably because the scope of Dunnam’s inquiries are broader than what is relevant to the case. Baylor has also continued to point to the implementation of 105 recommendations made by Pepper Hamilton and to a summary of findings of fact. An actual report of those facts has never been released to the public.

Because there was no written report released to the public, the revelations of the depositions have created a sense of he said/she said over who is telling the truth, and how that truth can be proven or disproven. For many alumni and supporters of Briles, the series of depositions has cast further doubt on Pepper Hamilton’s summary of findings, and brought scrutiny over the $4.2 million paid to the firm. It is currently unclear if Baylor will settle the Jane Doe case, or if the case is headed to trial. In the second scenario, many of the questions Briles has been asking privately will be asked publicly.

Briles isn’t holding his breath for a trial, but he is hopeful those involved will continue to speak out about their experiences.

“These are things I’ve known all along,” Briles said. “I didn’t know to what degree until last year or so, because I wasn’t privy to all the behind the scenes, covert actions going on. It takes time for the other side to get out. Truth takes time. It’s a shame that it has to happen this way. Open the door. Turn the light on. Be upfront and honest from the get go. And whatever happens, happens.”

When asked if he has any concern for what else could be revealed in regard to his role in this ongoing investigation, Briles firmly replied, “No. Lord, no. Of course not. No. The more transparency, the more soul that will return to many people. If you’re going to destroy people, the closet light better be on and the door open. If you’re going to tear someone down, that house better be strong.”

“There is hope,” Jan added. “It’s going to come back around. It has to.”

Along with released depositions, several of Briles’ former coaches and players have been speaking out. Art Briles Baylor Football

Phil Bennett, Briles’ former defensive coordinator at Baylor, also did an interview with Mac Engle in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram where Bennett described his experience with Pepper Hamilton, and doubled down on Ian McCaw’s comments that some of the findings were racially motivated. He also suggested the Pepper Hamilton attorneys had no sense of normal football culture, and overplayed common practices like making players run for being late and handling that punishment in-house, rather than reporting it to the University.

Briles saw the Bennett article as well.

“He’s spot on,” Briles said of Bennett. “My experience was the very same. Very disturbing. Kind of eye-opening, honestly. To see people who have never been around the sport, collegiate athletics or high school athletics, and maybe intramurals. To have people who don’t understand any of the dynamics of athletes, coaches, universities, and everything that’s involved in daily activities. It was like taking a first grader and trying to teach them trigonometry. It was very disturbing, to be honest. I don’t want to delve into the race issue right now because I think there will be a different time and place for that, which I think will show a lot more clarity. But I can tell you Phil Bennett was 100% spot on.”

In a separate lawsuit, a sexual assault survivor named Dolores Lozano has been attempting to sue Briles. Briles’ attorneys filed their own motion that has become public and added texture to the Jane Doe case. The 35-page motion addresses and discredits some of the most serious allegations aimed at Briles, including his handling of Sam Ukwuachu and the alleged “gang rape” of a Baylor volleyball player.

Baylor released a statement in regard to Briles’ motion which reads in part: “The continued efforts of Art Briles and his supporters over the past two years to rewrite history cannot go unchallenged. Just as when he was coach, he again attempts to skirt responsibility for actions of the football program he led, the players he recruited and coached, the coaches he managed, and the loose discipline he championed . . . Much of Briles’ response relies on hearsay and narratives that Baylor previously debunked as “factually baseless and borderline ludicrous.”

The University paid Briles a settlement of $15.1 million.

“I’m not going to learn Italian,” Briles said with his famous West Texas drawl. “I’m going to teach them Texan.”Art Briles Baylor Football

Art Briles has been hired as the head football coach of the Estra Guelfi Football Club in Florence, Italy.

Since that night in Robinson Tower, he has been trying to return to the field. After he was fired, Briles believed finding another job in college football would happen within the year. That’s at least part of the reason he dropped a lawsuit against Baylor for wrongful termination. Except, no universities lined up to bring him in. The phone didn’t ring. His name, which is still far more important to him than any amount of money, had become toxic.

In August of 2017, he was offered a head coaching job in the Canadian Football League, only to have the offer revoked under media backlash. Four months later, a scheduled speech at the American Football Coaches Association was canceled for the same reason.

“There’s been other situations that are similar, but not quite as publicly known,” Briles said. “I’ve wondered if I’d ever coach again. Stressed over it. Been sad over it. There’s two things that keep you going, and that’s faith and hope. I have both of those. I’ve always thought if people judge you by what you do and say, not by what they read and hear, the opportunity would come again.”

Art Briles Baylor FootballCoaching football in Italy was never on his radar. The job originated with a random text message.

“It was kind of strange,” Briles said. “I never even knew they played football in Italy to begin with. This person named Edoardo got a hold of me and just said, “Hey coach, I’ve been keeping up.” He had read a Mac Engel article. He said, “I understand what went on and you deserve another chance to get back on the field.” I kind of looked into it. I’ve been itching to get back to coaching the last few years because it’s all I’ve ever done. It’s all I’ve ever had a passion to do.”

In October, Art and Jan Briles will board a plane for Italy, four months after celebrating their 40-year wedding anniversary.

“I can’t wait,” Jan said. “The negative is leaving and not seeing the kids, but they can come visit us. And it’s not forever.”

Briles added, “You know, I think it will be an opportunity to have a great experience at this time in our lives. We’re looking at this like a great adventure. We’ve never been to Florence.”

His only knowledge of the Estra Guelfi program is from what he has been able to find online, and what he has discussed in phone conversations. Even though his knowledge of the program is limited, he is excited to build a powerhouse, much like he has done at Stephenville High School, the University of Houston and Baylor. He’s already identified the date of the league championship on his calendar, presumably because he believes his team will be playing that day. Art Briles Baylor Football

“I’m going to be able to take a couple of ex-players over there with me, and another dual citizenship guy, and the rest are Italian players. Coaching is coaching. Players are players. Men are men,” Briles said, considering that he has never coached a team outside of Texas. “They play all the way up to 42 years old (in Italy). A lot of these guys have families and children. It’s a very family-style atmosphere. Jan will tell you, if I was coaching at a junior high I’d be happy right now. Just as long as I’m coaching. You can use your innovation and ideas and schemes and dreams, and it doesn’t matter what level you’re at. I’m excited to be able to do some new things I’ve been working on the last two years from an offensive schematic standpoint in Italy, that, quite honestly, I think will be revolutionary.

“My favorite moments are in the dark room with a video, analyzing schemes and personnel. To me, it was always like a puzzle. Finding out what needs to go where at a high efficiency. I miss the intellectual part. And of course, the camaraderie with the coaches and student athletes. But you know at the end of the day, it’s really just about trying to help other people fulfill their potential. You ask what I miss the most, that’s it. I got to see a lot of student athletes who might have been told they’re not disciplined enough, not smart enough, not talented enough, to stay the course and get a college degree. The greatest joy for me was seeing a kid graduate from college, where he’s a first-generation college graduate. To me, that helps them personally and makes them a better father and husband. It makes better citizens.”

When visiting friends or other football programs, Briles often finds himself driving past McLane Stadium in Waco. Initially, it was painful.

“I’ve tried to separate emotion as much as I can, which is hard to do,” he said. “I’m grateful I got to coach in it for a couple of years. And grateful that I got to see Baylor go from the first step on the ladder to the last one.”

Art Briles Baylor Football He is careful to distinguish between the institution and those he believes were responsible for what happened to his family and his name.

“I have respect and love for Baylor University. I don’t hold any ill towards Baylor or the people that make up the university,” he said. “I was very grateful and very thankful for eight and a half really good years. Good times and good people. A few of the things I’m proud of are that we had the highest GPA in the history of the university in the Spring of 2016 in the football department. We led the graduation rate in the Big XII seven out of the eight years I was there. There were some really good things we are proud of, and seeing first generation graduates, and seeing second and third generation Baylor graduates. Watching that legacy continue on. I got to see a community and university change how they were perceived. The City of Waco certainly changed because of Baylor, and Baylor changed because of the City of Waco. Both of them grew together and gained new respect from around the country. That was invigorating and fun. And I’m grateful for it,” Briles said. “For Baylor University, I have nothing but love and cherished memories.”

Editor’s note:

The Baylor Line Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation that is separate and independent from Baylor University. As the University’s oldest and largest alumni group, we are committed to supporting the University by telling compelling stories and amplifying the voice of alumni. The Baylor Line Foundation tells compelling stories, provides scholarships and amplifies the voice of alumni.

For full disclosure, one of Art Briles attorney’s is a Baylor Line Foundation board member. He took no part in this story.

Photo Credit: Nathan Jennings and Dane Qualls

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76 thoughts on “Art Briles Is Still Standing”

  1. Paula Powell Parish

    Always been behind you CAB. WE hold you in high esteem. Sic’Em.
    Bleed Green & Gold Tailgaters ( Mama P)

  2. Nothing but admiration for CAB…. patience is tough but the truth will come out eventually. Sooner better than later!!!!

  3. It has never been the same since you left. What a tragedy for all, including us who so loved what you did for Baylor. I hope you have nothing but happiness in Italy and the rest of your life.

  4. Linda Carol Trotter

    Can’t wait to catch a game with your new team in Florence, Coach! Bob and I are planning a stop-over in March on our way to Greece, just to see you! Keep the faith!

  5. All of our family of over 15 Baylor graduates have always supported CAB.
    We know how much you meant to Baylor and all the good you accomplished.
    We are disgusted with the way you were handled. Now Baylor is paying dearly for it.
    God bless you Art Briles and help you get your name restored soon.
    We will always stand behind you.
    LaDawn Weeks

  6. God bless you CAB and Jan. I’ll always remember our chat off the Katy Trail Starbucks, and you playing with Addison (my golden retriever).

    Go Estra Guelfi!

  7. CAB, Happy soon-to-be 40th Anniversary to you and your wife. Enjoy Italy and may your most fulfilling years be ahead of you! God bless.

  8. #CAB is the best. It will never be the same again.

    Who are the 5-7 regents: Willis, Stone, Jones, Gray, Murff and Harper. Add RR and that explains a lot.

  9. You will always hold a special place in Baylor’s history, a good place! I believed in you then and now! Good luck to you and Jan in Italy! We miss you,

  10. Wish you the best. Really miss your schemes and exciting brand of football. Will never believe that you were fairly treated in this situation. Shameful BOR approach to a University wide problem.

  11. WOW! what a class act! thanks for all of the memories Coach Briles, so thankful to get to watch you as the Baylor coach…EXCITED for your future!!!!!

  12. my man….this story is a microcosm of this country, always wondering who the actual victims are in a world full of victims. and a lynch pen mentality towards ppl we dont know. God Bless AB

  13. Great interview…well done…I so miss him. I always found him to be a class individual and he has handled this with more grace than I believe I could have. The media has it so wrong when it comes to CAB!

  14. As a 4 year letterman on the Baylor football team from 83 to 87 I have never been prouder to be a Bear than during Coach Briles tenure. He brought integrity, compassion,football brilliance and renewed a program and fan base that was dead and the laughing stock of the Big 12.He did it with a love for the players, coaches and fans. I am still horrified and know without a doubt that the admin of my alma mater sacrificed Coach Briles to cover their failures. I trust and believe the truth will surface. And Coach Briles..I cant wait for the day your name is cleared and you are helping another college football team achieve what you did at Baylor….I will be in the stands watching! #BelieveinBriles

  15. Wishing coach Briles nothing but success and happiness. He didn’t deserve to be treated the way he has been by the 5-7 or by the media, but in spite of it all, he still has his name. Truth don’t lie.

  16. What an honorable man you are Coach Briles!!! I have so much love and respect for you and Jan. I miss you both terribly but are excited to see you bring Texas football to Italy! Man they are going to have some fun like they never have known! Keep your head high and keep going for it on 4th down Coach! Love and Best Wishes to you and your family.

  17. Coach Briles,
    I am still deeply grieved over the way my Alma Mater treated you. I believe you are a truly honorable man and an incredible human being. You are a pretty darn good coach also. All of my children have gone to Baylor, as I did, have a Freshman grandson there and more to come behind him. I can’t begin to imagine the heartbreak through which you and your family have been…You’ve allowed to make you better rather than bitter.. Thank you for your positive impact on Baylor..on the football field and on the young people you coached. You did your job…seems to be some others weren’t handling theirs…I also thought Ken Starr for a great President. Baylor lost all the way around.

  18. Coach Briles is a man of honor and a football genius. Everything he did from practices, to students, to games had a purpose to make Baylor better. I’d love to see that new offense back in McClane stadium. Thanks for making us believe & dream.

  19. Miss you and love you, Jan and your family! Lots of great memories! We are coming to Florence! Debbie ( Spur) and Jim Sartain

  20. Coach you are a man of integrity and a friend to many coaches. The truth will come to the surface. Best of luck in Italy.

  21. We love you coach! I know that is the feeling of most of Baylor and our fans. These cowards will get theirs. Everyone knows what a great man and coach you are. Eternally greatful! Best of luck to you, and look forward to seeing you coach again in the US! Thanks again and much love from a dire hard Baylor fan!

  22. We love Coach Art Briles and his entire family. They are good people who have been wronged. But in true form to who the man is he forgives first. Good luck in your new adventure Coach and Jan. We believe in you just like we always have.

  23. Coach only the best for Jan and you… God know you are a good Christian man…so does your friends…. I wish we had you at Texas Tech…. God Will Open a Door for you

  24. Grew up looking up to this coach and father figure. He still lets his actions speak louder than words. There’s so much in store for him. I will continue to believe that. Rise above. Stay true. Keep the faith.

  25. I could hear(read) him talk all day! A man of words and quotes. I followed his career at Baylor and read both of his books; I have no doubt he Is a man of integrity. The confidence, discipline, and passion he instilled in his players and staff members is evident when you hear their reflections of Briles. I wish I had more means and resources to help him out, but at the very least, if him or his family read this… THANKS FOR THE POSITIVE IMPACT YOU HAD AND WILL CONTINUE TO HAVE FOR SO MANY PEOPLE! Looking forward to the next book: Journey from Tragedy to Triumph Part II

  26. I could hear(read) him talk all day! A man of words and quotes. I followed his career at Baylor and read both of his books; I have no doubt he Is a man of integrity. The confidence, discipline, and passion he instilled in his players and staff members is evident when you hear their reflections of Briles. I wish I had more means and resources to help him out, but at the very least, if him or his family read this… THANKS FOR THE POSITIVE IMPACT YOU HAD AND WILL CONTINUE TO HAVE FOR SO MANY PEOPLE! Looking forward to the next book: Journey from Tragedy to Triumph Part II

  27. You are greatly missed! You showed such kindness to my daughter and myself on different occasions. We have always believed in you, your family, your genuine Integrity. May what was done in the dark come to light! You will always have a place in our hearts! #CAB

  28. CAB is the best coach that ever walked on a football field. He would have led Baylor to unimagined heights. You, Art will be in our hearts forever! I believe you will somehow silence your critics in time to come. Keep that hope and faith alive!

  29. Coach Briles is a master football coach; he is one of the five best coaches in college football. From a Pittsburg Bear who gave the Bears the great Kendall Wright for Coach Briles to develop. Those six or so regents will ultimately receive the Karma they richly deserve.

  30. Coach Briles!!!! Class act is right. I’ll never forget running the bear trail and all of a sudden you tapped me on the shoulder and said mind if I join you? We ran a little ways together and you truly made my day! You are nothing more than a real, down to earth christian man. It is heart breaking what has happened to all parties. I have my baylor pride but it sure is hard to watch what is happening to the team and university after you left. Baylor will never be the same! Love you

  31. Good friend, you are a class act! Wish you the best in Italy,(remember me if you need an assistant), with the 40 yr Anny, and with the future job you WILL get! Love ya AB!!

  32. Iwasa football player in Baylor’s darkest hours 68-72. I was always embarrassed to say I played at Baylor. The coaches were so bad I didn’t wanna play. Coach Briles changed all that. I wished I cudda played for him. Truth will prevail his name will be restored no doubt.

  33. I love me some Art Briles an have respect for him. We miss you so much at Baylor, you were a great coach!!

  34. In 1965 thru 1967 I taught school with Art’s dad Dennis who was the 7th grade football coach at Franklin Jr High in Abilene, TX. His dad and I became good friends and I totally understand why Coach Briles strongly feels the responsibility to carry on his family name with integrity. His dad was gentle,soft-spoken,yet firm,and his character was beyond reproach. He was one of the finest Christian gentleman I have ever known and there is no doubt in my mind he instilled those same values in his children. It is easy for me to understand why Coach Briles is so passionate about the responsibility of carrying on his family name with integrity. I,for one, feel confident Coach Briles would never have done anything improper if it would in any way blemish his parent’s legacy.

  35. I encourage anyone who hasn’t seen it to google the ESPN game day piece on CAB. Its amazing and uplifting to see all the hardships and tragedies he overcame. I think we can all agree that a top ten ranking is well worth sacrificing a few co-eds.

  36. Love Art Briles! He is an amazing man from what I’ve read in his book.Our son attended Baylor during the time RGIII was playing football for him and it was a GREAT time to be a Baylor Bear!!! What an amazing 4 years our son had Baylor! Loved Baylor then and still love it now!!! Forever a Baylor Bear!

  37. Art and Jan, I love this follow-up on your Baylor experiences, and I know you will have many GREAT experiences in Italy. May God continue to bless you in the years ahead as you continue to serve Him wherever you are! You both put down strong roots here in Rule, Texas, and in the places you have coached, and I’m confident you will make a big difference in the lives you touch in Italy! Tomi May

  38. I appreciate coach Briles. He is truly a Godly man who loves his family and players. I have known him for almost 40 years and so sorry he and his family has gone through this stuff at Baylor.
    Always supported and followed Coach Briles and now I get to follow his legacy in Italy. God Bless you Art!

  39. Having been involved in football as a player since I was 10 years old in OKC, playing highschool football and making All State in Oklahoma, receiving a football scholarship to Baylor and coming within one pass of winning the SWC, leading the nation in passing 1962 & 1963, making All American and playing professional with the Houston Oilers , Boston Patriots and Edmonton Eskimos gives me a lot ofcredibility into what Art Briles is all about. I also coached at the University of Arkansas under legendary coach Frank Broyles. Art Briles was the best thing that ever happened to Baylor football as a coach and leader of young men that came to Baylor under his watch. What Baylor (Regents) did to this man’s career and life is and should be a disgrace to the university forever.

  40. No one feels good about what happened to these young women at Baylor…No one! At the same time, all of the truth needs to come out, and the question remains as to how much responsibility a Division I Head Football Coach should have in regard to the the behavior of almost infinite numbers of players in their program, and coaches on their staff. The behavior of individual players and coaches have soiled the names of some of some of the greatest coaches of our time including Joe Paterno, Barry Switzer, Tom Osborne, and now Urban Meyer. Some of these guys are really great men, who went down with the ship, simply because they were the captain, and some of these men came out the other side, while others didn’t. The question remains as to how many things these coaches should have to watch at once, and how many things they should juggle, along with winning enough games to satisfy boosters. The strategy of coaching football alone is all-in compassing, and then add in the recruiting process, the process of managing coaches, dealing with boosters, and dealing with off-season development, and now they are expected to manage the individual lives and decisions of up to 300 young people between the ages of 18-25. We all know that 22-25 year olds never make bad decisions! Should coaches follow college kids to parties? Maybe they should issue chastity belts when they accept a scholarship? I have known Art Briles since his days at Stephenville. He is the most creative football mind that I have ever seen in football. He has always taken time to act as a Christian witness, which is something he never had to do. He’s won everywhere he’s been, but he’s not perfect. He is a truly great coach, but he’s not perfect enough to control everything that happens to everyone under his watch all the time. Neither was Tom Osborne, Joe Paterno, Barry Switzer, or Urban Meyer. What happened at Baylor was horrific to these young women. There were enough failures to go around for everyone. Coach Briles has suffered enough. Give him a chance to redeem himself, learn from it, and do it better. He is certainly one of the greatest football minds of our time. The question continues to remain as to how to control the day to day actions of this multitude of 18-25 year olds and a coaching staff, and exactly where to draw the line as to what a Division l head coach should be responsible for? Give the guy a chance!

  41. I’ve known Art and Jan since 1987 when they first came to Stephenville. The impact they had on hundreds and hundreds of young people is unmeasurable. Art instilled a work ethic and pride to a whole school and community. He literally changed the lives of many young men and women. He set an example that hundreds still strive to emulate. As far as I’m concerned, Art Briles never ever lost his good name. If I was in the position, I would hire him in a second to lead the young people of my school and athletic department. I just wish he’d stayed in the ranks of Texas High School Football where he belonged. Sometimes it’s good to be a “Big Frog in a little pond”. Major college sports has become too big a business and way too political. Art is a “coach’s coach” and even a better man!!
    Don Fletcher DVM
    Stephenville, Tx

  42. Fantastic interview and article; a lot of insight into “lighting the ways of time.” Thanks for all the history, information, and future of this great man. I always said that those eight years were a great time to be a Baylor Bear again, after year after year of just being a fan. As a long time football season ticket holder, I long for the days of Art Briles!

  43. Tim Holt said it all!
    I very much agree with the part where he said….
    “The question continues to remain as to how to control the day to day actions of this multitude of 18-25 year olds and a coaching staff, and exactly where to draw the line as to what a Division l head coach should be responsible for?” Art Briles is the best guy you will ever find anywhere! No one is more loyal to his players & Baylor University than him. Don’t make him suffer anymore. I sure wish he was back.

  44. You are a class act Art Briles, a man of integrity, an honest man and a very caring man! If anyone ever looked in your eyes they would know that you loved your players and you definitely loved Baylor!! We are season ticket holders, but the games aren’t the same without you being there! But we have to still support the players it’s not their fault just like it’s NOT your fault! Miss you Coach!!!

  45. #CAB forever. A firing squad is not a harsh enough penalty for the Regents who ruined lives and careers. I truly believe there’s a smoking gun still on the loose (or on sabbatical) and that Coach Briles will ultimately prevail in his quest for the whole story to be revealed. I am an OU alum, class of ‘76, but my heart belongs to Baylor where I sent my two daughters. I hope and pray justice will be done and that ALL parties, including the claimants, will finally accept personal responsibility for their roles in this human tragedy.

  46. I have known Art since 1981 when he joined W T Stapler’s staff at Sweetwater High School where my son Pat was a sophomore. What an outstanding coach and person Art turned out to be. We are a family who has Baylor ex’s all the way back to the early 1900’s and we consider Art the most successful Bear of all times ! The Baylor Board during Art’s time should look at themselves and Ken Starr for answers to their defenses during Art’s tenure as Head Coach. While Baylor tried to blame their problems on Art they have severely damaged the reputation of a great university ! Pat Gerald. Sweetwater, Texas

  47. Best wishes to the Briles for the journey ahead. Thank you for your integrity and love of Baylor. Many of the Baylor family and Baylor nation will always be grateful for the years you spent among us.

    To the naysayers and those who were motivated by self-interest – there will be a day of judgment for us all. Many lives were ruined/derailed in the blame game which took place. May God have mercy on you for your words and deeds.

  48. D Tyler Greenfield, MD

    Wishing you all the best, Coach Briles. The BOR will hopefully someday have to answer for their atrocities.

  49. When someone of Mr. Trull’s stature speaks, everyone should listen. Coach Briles made BU football fun and relevant. Never thought I’d see that day. What a hatchet job by the BOR.

  50. My high regard for Coach Briles has never wavered, and my appreciation for him is off the charts.

    I hope everyone reads the comment from the great Don Trull, and that his words are picked up and shared everywhere.

    Thank you #CAB!

  51. I live in Granbury, which is in close to Stephenville. Everyone that I have met who has ever had any contact with Coach Briles has nothing but good to say about him. I met a young man a few years ago who played for him at Stephenville. When he found out I was a Baylor grad and a rabid fan, he teared up and said “Coach Briles taught me how to be a Christian young man. I thank God for him and the example that he set for me and others”. The truth is beginning to come out. The way this has been handled is a disgrace to this “Christian” university. BOR name what he has done. Follow what Matthew 18 says and go to the one that “has sinned against you” . It doesn’t say go to a public relations firm or go to the Wall Street Journal. The BOR needs to ask for his forgiveness and God’s forgiveness. Interesting that perhaps the one with the smoking gun is on sabbatical.

  52. I hope that the truth does come out. I’m not sure that will happen as long as the BOR has unlimited funding to keep the light of truth under a bushel, but I hope that it does. If not, I’ll always believe that Coach Briles was sacrificed to save the skin of a few bad Regents.

    Thank you Coach Briles for an amazing run.

  53. What can I say ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE 😊 We should forgive him as god has forgiven us for our sins. I do believe that Art is a good coach with a big heart . I can’t wait until he coaches again . Love you coach ❤️

  54. “Let there be Light” – indeed!! After tons of misinformation, disinformation, and outright disgusting garbage regarding Coach Briles and Baylor, rays of truth are beginning to shine on this travesty. Many people lost their integrity in the handling of this, but Art Briles is not one of them. Baylor lost more than they can regain for the cowardice and political-correctness evident in this entire issue. As wonderful as was the feeling of being a Baylor Bear during the terms of Grant Teaff and Art Briles, the shame and sadness as is that feeling today. Don Trull was my hero in his days at Baylor, and his comments add to my esteem for him. You spoke for many, many people, Don. Thank you. And may good fortune follow Coach Briles and his endeavors in Italy. Coach,your good name is and always will be still in tact, especially with our Creator. And that’s what matters anyway.

  55. Jan & Art Briles are two of the finest people you could know. Art showed the players, the students, the faculty, the fans and the outsiders what true teamwork was about. Unfortunately the devil got involved…Right usually wins so I don’t think we’ve seen the last chapter yet of this story.

  56. Father to Philip montgomery who interned under art and later was Oct for him for years. Now at tulsa.
    As a dad, I watched the culture around my young son and was always impressed with the positive attitude and respect and values that surrounded the staff and team.
    Art is a man of faith whose character remains sterling in my opinion and he stands now and in future as a great innovator and coach. Thanks Art for training and opening doors for my son and so many others. Your kind are few. Gary Montgomery

  57. Thanks for the great reporting, my wife and I and three kids attended Baylor. I believe Art Briles was collateral damage. I think Ken Starr was the real target. The east coast political swamp never forgave Ken Starr for Bill Clinton investigation. (Where is Pepper Hamilton located?). MSNBC’s Chuck Todd was talking after Kavanaugh was confirmed, why the democrats disliked Kavanaugh so much, because he worked for Ken Starr. Just like Kavanaugh, Art Briles is associated with Ken Starr…
    And when I heard that Art Briles was doing the ESPN interviewed, I was in fear. If anyone knows, ESPN employee’s are a very liberal and big time journalist love to do hit jobs. That’s how they get recognize. ESPN and News could pick almost any major school and find sexual assault cases. If the news media wants to destroy you they will, and the political swamp is deeper than most people will ever believe.

  58. I have great admiration for Coach Briles. Thanks for this interview, I think he has a book out, if so I will be buying same. He’s a brilliant football coach, a man of Christian character, he probably had to leave Baylor but I read or heard he’s already signed to coach football in the future, watch out whoever, he’s a winner. And his young men will not let him and themselves down. So … Go Bears and Go Coach Briles. Joe Holmes, class of ’61.

  59. Coach Briles – thank you for giving Baylor football fans an amazing run of championship caliber seasons. Regardless of what happened/happens with regard to this situation, I am praying for you and wish you the very best in life. Your attitude from this article is an inspriation and a fine example on how to handle adversity.

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