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A tough few days for Baylor and Baylor Football

It has been a difficult few days for Baylor and the Baylor Football program, and there are likely to be more difficult days ahead.  We do not want to pile on, but we would like to provide a “safe” environment for our alumni to post comments if they so choose.  Our thoughts are with the victim and her family, and we hope she feels some sense of vindication and closure from this verdict.  We know that the university has done a great deal to make our campus safe, and we feel sure that the administration shares our prayers for the victim in this difficult time.

If you want to post here, please do so.  Please understand that we review posts before letting them become visible and we will not post them if (1) you do not provide your name or (2) you make a personal attack on anyone involved with this story or on anyone who posts here (i.e., you can disagree, but you cannot ridicule their point of view).

Update: After consulting [Friday] afternoon with the Baylor board of regents, the executive council and academic leadership, Baylor President and Chancellor Ken Starr called for a comprehensive internal inquiry into the circumstances associated with this case and the conduct of the offices involved. The review will be led by Jeremy Counseller, professor of law, faculty athletics representative to the Big 12 Conference and NCAA and a former Assistant Criminal District Attorney. Mr. Counseller will engage others in his review as necessary and will submit his report to the president at the conclusion of his inquiry. After analysis of his report, President Starr will determine what additional action may be necessary.

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9 thoughts on “A tough few days for Baylor and Baylor Football”

  1. Boise State kicked this player off of their team because of similar charges against him in Boise. It seems like Boise State officials provided sufficient warning to Baylor officials about the kid’s history’s, and they did not provide Baylor with a letter of support/waiver regarding this transfer. Did Baylor officials/coaches have stars in their eyes about this kid to the extent that they ignored all of these red flags? If so, shame on Art Briles! He appears to have demonstrated a very weak ethical position on this one. Does he really expect female students to support his program/athletes now?

  2. This case is a difficult one. Much like the rape case itself, the evidence of what Boise State coaches told Baylor coaches is largely hearsay. What we do know is the transfer form provided to Baylor by Boise State does not indicate a significant problem. Do I think Baylor’s response could have been better? Yes I do. Hindsight is misleading. Forcing the victim to rearrange her schedule was a definite mistake. I still stand behind Baylor. Their investigation was limited by their ability to gather evidence. The victim was allowed to pursue a criminal trial rather than what many schools do and force victims to choose between an internal disciplinary hearing and a criminal one. Baylor did not jump to conclusions like Duke did during the lacrosse scandal. I think Baylor did the best it could and if Professor Counseller, a brilliant attorney, finds otherwise, I am thoroughly prepared to eat my words. I’m still proud to be a Baylor Bear. Sic em!

  3. For me this is yet another case of Baylor pursuing status over core values. Because the Baylor administration, and by extension staff , is obsessed with acquiring esteem for unimportant achievements (ie football, stadiums, notoriety) they ignored warning signs and failed to take action.

    Taking the high ground is not usually easy – I learned that at Baylor (Christian Ethics in Business). When did Baylor turn its back on what it preaches – oh yeah Sloan.

    Good work, high standards and Right action are their own rewards. Doing what is right even when it is unpopular or hard is what is missing at Baylor, and in society at large. I am ashamed that Baylor has stooped to the same low

  4. To me, this is not a football problem, it is a Baylor problem. Unless I missed something in my reading, this person was never on the roster and never played for Baylor. As far as the victim, I do think that the university could have done more for her. Having said that, with a gag order in place, the university had to allow the criminal proceedings to conclude before taking a stand. The university and the victim were in a hard place until the the criminal case concluded one way or another.

  5. Don’t blame Art. Baylor has had a cover-up policy at least as far back as 1949 when I was a Lariat editor. The cover up is always worse than admitting a problem up front. Richard Nixon found that out. Joe Paterno found that out. Both Vanderbilt and Tennessee U have had similar incidents in recent years here in Tennessee, but they were more forthright in their approach and have suffered less. When will Baylor learn? The ongoing conflict with the Baylor Alumni Association and the Baylor Line magazine is proof positive of an on-going head in the sand cover up mentality. I’m not surprised but I continue to be disappointed.

  6. Marcus McDaniel, '06

    I think it is very safe to say that we do not know the full story, and to laud or condemn Baylor based on limited knowledge is ridiculous.

  7. Having watched teams coached by Art Briles since he was at Stephenville have seen him go for it on fourth down when nobody else in the world would have. However, do not see him as rolling the dice on a potential problem player, as the one in question, if he had been aware of all the facts.

    The BU review of the case will need to take a careful look, including their own priorities and procedures, as well as communications between universities on transferring players.

  8. What if the young man had been found innocent? If you kicked people off because of every accusation, one might have difficulty fielding a team. The school need to do exactly what they did. Once guilty, then they removed him. But does anyone understand why the judge only gave him six months? Seems small on a rape case. Perhaps there is more to this case than what we have been told.

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