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Coffee, customers, and family: Baylor’s best baristas

“Jakey? Jackie? What does this say?” Rosie asked. “Jakey? No, it’s Jackie,” Belinda said with a laugh. “Jackie!” Rosie called to the waiting customers between chuckles. Rosie Garcia and Belinda Olivares are two supervisors at the Starbucks in Moody Memorial Library. But they are known all around campus. Rosie and Belinda’s gentle smiles, familiar laughs,

Coffee, customers, and family: Baylor’s best baristas Read More »

Star Power

This article was written by Meg Cullar and published in the Baylor Line Spring 2001 issue. One of the brightest spots in the political firmament, Ann Richards’s light is still shining. NOT LONG AFTER HER INAUGURATION AS GOVERNOR OF TEXAS, Ann Richards paid a visit to her hometown of Waco. She was greeted warmly by

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