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Senior Stress!!

by Lauren Elder and Vanessa Mosharaf

For seniors graduating in less than a month, life is more than a little crazy right now. Trying to juggle class, work, a degenerative disease—also known as senioritis—and the friends you may never see again in a month is tough. And on top of all that, trying to avoid hearing those dreaded words: “So what are you doing after graduation?”

It can be a nightmare. But year after year, seniors somehow survive. Whether it’s straight-up denial, or attending every event Career Services offer, every senior finds his or her own way to cope. Here are some of the ways soon-to-be Baylor grads are staying sane.

terrance ganawayTerrance Gannaway

I’m really talking to a lot of my teachers and professors about going to do a master’s thing. If that doesn’t work out, I’m going to try to get some internships with some schools to help with coaching. I want to be a coach on a college level, but I’m assuming that I need to get internships, so I’m trying to figure out what other steps I need to take to get a greater chance to get a decent job.

Anna Meier

Anna Meier

Between school, planning a wedding, working as a nanny, and having a job as an ROTC cadet about to commission into the Air Force, things can get pretty hectic. I have learned that I am a much saner person when I use my planner religiously. I have blank pages that I have inserted to write down ideas that I have throughout the day. I have also found that I like to keep to-do lists. I even have master lists of lists. In the end, I have found that I tend to get more done when there is more to do.

Melanie DelFuente Sr.Melanie DeLaFuente

I’ve been packing and planning a party for graduation. I have a job lined up—speech pathology at a clinic. I don’t really want to start the real world yet.

Angela BaylisAngela Baylis Sr.

I just plan and try to figure what I can do on my own, and I try not to think about when people ask me what I’m going to do. I don’t let other people stress me out because I know what’s in my heart, and I’m going to follow my heart.

Jason LawrenceJason Lawrence

I’ve worked really hard the past four years to try to get into law school, so I’m just having fun. I’ve made great friends and I have no regrets.

Kayse Katzmann

Kayse Katzmann

I’m applying for jobs but also just trying to enjoy the next few weeks. I’m going to miss a lot of people, so I’m trying to stay sane by having a lot of fun.

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