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New Members Elected to BAA Board of Directors

The Baylor Alumni Association (BAA) today announced the election of 10 members to its Board of Directors.  Keith Starr (’83) was elected to a one-year term as president of the alumni association.

“On behalf of the BAA, I am pleased to welcome these new and returning members to the board who will guide the organization as we chart our future course,” Starr said.  “As an independent voice for Baylor University’s alumni, the BAA’s commitment is, and always has been, the advancement of Baylor University.  Our ideals can only be achieved through the collective efforts of leaders like these who are committed to realizing the BAA’s mission and goals.”

In addition to Starr, the BAA’s newly elected officers are:

  • James Nelson, III (’04) — Treasurer
  • Emily George Tinsley (’61) — Secretary

Newly elected board members:

  • Sharon McDonald Barnes (’78, ’80)
  • Babs Baugh (’64)
  • Matt Miller (’57)
  • Jim Nelson (’68, JD ’75)
  • Stan Schlueter (’69)
  • Stacy Sharp (’76)
  • L. Wayne Tucker (’85, MBA ’86)

A full list of board members can be found here.

Directors on the BAA board serve three-year terms, and are elected by the membership.  These terms are effective as of June 1, 2014.

In other business, the board of directors recommended, and the members approved, a thoughtful, deliberative, and inclusive process to chart the future course of the BAA.

Among the options under consideration:

  • Adopt the awarding of financial assistance to Baylor students as the primary function of the organization.
  • Adopt communications with members as the primary function of the organization; or
  • Adopt both communication with members and awarding of financial assistance to Baylor students as the primary functions of the organization.

According to Starr, the BAA has worked diligently in the last few months to improve transparency with all members and has amended the association’s bylaws to give members the flexibility to vote electronically on certain BAA matters, in addition to BAA’s longstanding practice of in-person voting at meetings.

“We plan to have an open, inclusive dialogue over the summer about the options outlined today, which will prepare the membership to decide this fall on the future course of the BAA,” Starr said.  “The BAA remains committed to an open, transparent dialogue about constructive, mutually beneficial results for our members and the University.  We believe that such dialogue is the best course to pursue in determining the BAA’s future and its continued commitment to Baylor alumni.”

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