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Never Giving Up: Dylan Boyd

Dylan grew up in Parker, Texas. With many family members attending Baylor, Dylan knew it was pretty clear that he would at least be considering Baylor. What motivated his final decision, though, was his acceptance into the Baylor Business Fellows program.


Dylan has been a Baylor sports superfan since he was young, but he only considered where he would want to attend university during his sophomore year of high school. He attended nearly every football and basketball game he could. Dylan says that his grandfather is likely the only one in the family more dedicated to Baylor athletics than he is. Since his grandfather graduated from Baylor, Dylan can count on both hands how many football games he has missed.


His freshman year at Baylor was more difficult than most, but he believes the challenges he faced freshman year set him up for success. He was put into a position where he could not glide by. He had to put in serious effort to get to where he is today.


“The Business Fellows program here gave me the opportunity to explore many different career paths, and it ultimately showed me what I want to do with my life after graduation,” says Dylan. 


Dylan explains that there are many great things about the Business Fellows Program that are setting him up for success post-grad. The professor he looks up to the most is Scott Wilde. Unfortunately, he does not teach at Baylor anymore, but previously, he was a Mathematics professor and a resident faculty member in Dylan’s dorm, Brooks Flats. Wilde had Professor Wilde for Calculus 2 during his first semester at Baylor.


After the first two tests in his class, Dylan was failing the class and considering dropping it. He says that Professor Wilde went out of his way to show him the type of effort that would be necessary to succeed in his class. After that second test and with Professor Wilde’s encouragement, Dylan got a 100 on every other assignment and test from that point on.


“He inspired me so much that I took his Calculus 3 course the following semester, even though he was known to be the hardest one. I got an A. That experience taught me that I should not ever give up even when faced with adversity,” says Dylan. 


After graduating in the Spring, Dylan will be joining Chartwell Financial Advisory in their Dallas location. Dylan says he is excited to pursue valuation and advisory work there.


“My relationship with God and dedication to my future family are the biggest drivers to my success up to this point,” Dylan says.

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