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The BAA Legacy Scholarship: Micah Marroquin’s story

Micah Marroquin (second from left in back row) and members of his family -- all Baylor legacies -- gather on Fifth Street for the 2013 Homecoming Parade: (Back row): Joshua Rollins '14, Micah '17, Ben Faus ('12), Hannah Lindstrom Faus '12, Trey Rollins '12 (Front row): Marili Lindstrom '83, Caroline Lindstrom '15, Mollie Lindstrom '10, Brittany Rollins '16, Kim Rollins '87.  (Marili and Kim are the mothers of six of these legacies).
Micah Marroquin (second from left in back row) and members of his family — all Baylor legacies — gather on Fifth Street for the 2013 Homecoming Parade:
(Back row): Joshua Rollins ’14, Micah ’17, Ben Faus (’12), Hannah Lindstrom Faus ’12, Trey Rollins ’12
(Front row): Marili Lindstrom ’83, Caroline Lindstrom ’15, Mollie Lindstrom ’10, Brittany Rollins ’16, Kim Rollins ’87. (Marili and Kim are the mothers of six of these legacies).


















I was particularly pleased when you sent out your email looking for feedback regarding how the Baylor Alumni Association has helped students attend Baylor.  I was happy because this will give me the opportunity to share how this scholarship has blessed my experience at Baylor, and in many ways made it possible in the first place.

I am a third-generation Baylor student with my late grandfather being the first one in my family to attend Baylor University.  With my grandfather paving the way for her, my mom was able to attend Baylor University where she met my dad who was also a Baylor student.  In addition to this, I’ve had two aunts and an uncle attend and graduate from this great university.  Currently I am attending with two cousins here now, while four more have graduated within the last four years.  Last year, as I spent my first year at Baylor, my three cousins and I had every grade accounted for as we ranged from freshman to senior.  In fact, at the end of the school year, each of us was awarded a place on the Dean’s List for our spring semester grades.

Baylor has been a part of the family for as long as I can remember, but the reality of attending this school would most likely not be possible without aids and grants such as the generous contributions from the Alumni Association.  Though my parents are both native Texans, they moved out of the state shortly after they graduated as my dad was attending seminary in California.  Being from California, my decision to attend Baylor was a difficult one because I knew I would not be receiving the Cal Grant, which offers $3,000 to students attending college within the state of California.  Even with my mom getting a second job to help pay for my tuition, the reality of me joining my cousins and adding to the legacy within my family of attending was not looking promising until the Alumni Association offered its scholarship to me.  Since then, and along with numerous other blessings and miracles along the way, I am proud to say that I am well into my second year as a Baylor student and I am loving it more each and every day.

I try and give back to the University as much as I can because I know that if it were not for the grace of God and the amazing generosity of people and associations such as this one I would not even be here to experience any of it.  For this very reason, I appliled and was accepted as a Line Camp leader this past summer as well as a leader for Freshman Class Council.  I want to genuinely thank you for listening to my story and for being a part of it as this scholarship has helped allow me to put my own piece of the legacy within Baylor University.  Every Homecoming, all of the aunts and uncles, cousins and fiancees come back to the school they used to call home as we stake out our annual spot on Fifth Street for the parade.  Last year, I got to be a part of that tradition for the first time, and I hope to continue to be a part of it for years to come.


Micah Marroquin

The Baylor Alumni Association has distributed more than $212,000 to 55 deserving Baylor legacy students since the Fall Semester of 2011, including $27,000+ to 42 students this semester.  We’re bringing you their stories — in part to remind you how terrific our current crop of Bears are and in part to encourage you to contribute to this important program.  If you’d like to donate, please click here.

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