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The Lord’s provision in the midst of difficulty: Jacob Duffer

Jacob Duffer is a junior at Baylor University, studying an impressive range of subjects; Finance, Human Resource Management, and Religion. Though he was born in Reno, Nevada, he spent most of his formative years in Cedar Park, Texas. When it came time to choose a university, Jacob didn’t have to look far. With a whopping 11 family members having attended Baylor, it was practically a given that he’d end up there, too. Growing up attending Baylor sports games with his family only solidified his love for the school and its community. It’s no surprise that Jacob has found a home at Baylor, where he can pursue his passions and continue to grow as a person.


Jacob Duffer’s journey in choosing his major at Baylor was heavily influenced by his passion for pastoral ministry. Even as a junior in high school, he felt a strong calling to pursue a career in full-time ministry. Recognizing Baylor’s renowned Religion department, Jacob saw this as the perfect opportunity to study the Christian faith in depth. Adding to the mix, Jacob’s older cousins who were graduates of Baylor introduced him to the business fellows program, which allowed students to study both within and outside of the business school. After being accepted into the program, Jacob carefully chose to major in Finance, Human Resource Management, and Religion to gain a diverse set of skills necessary for his future role as a full-time minister.


Throughout his time at Baylor, Jacob Duffer has been lucky enough to have met a number of professors that have left a lasting impression on him. Though he admires them all, there’s one that stands out in particular: Dr. David Moseman. Jacob had Dr. Moseman for several classes, including Christian Heritage, Intermediate Hebrew 1, and Intermediate Hebrew 2. Even though Jacob isn’t currently enrolled in any of Dr. Moseman’s classes, he makes it a point to grab lunch with him each semester to catch up.


What makes Dr. Moseman so special to Jacob is his wisdom and insights into life beyond the classroom. He’s given Jacob some excellent career and life advice over the years, and has been there to provide practical support when he’s needed it most. 


“Even though I currently do not have him for any classes, I still will grab lunch with him each semester in order to stay in touch. Dr. Moseman is extremely wise and has provided me with some fantastic life, career, and practical advice during my time here at Baylor,” says Jacob. 


Jacob Duffer’s time at Baylor was shaped by an experience that helped him find his people. Feeling like he was missing a strong group of Christian believers to connect with, he confided in a friend about his struggle. After some prayer and reflection, Jacob was invited to a Bible Study at Highland by some of his good friends. This decision marked the beginning of an incredibly meaningful chapter in Jacob’s college journey, as he found a community of supportive and loving individuals who encourage him to this day.


Growing up in a household with dedicated parents and a close-knit brother, Jacob Duffer had a strong foundation to navigate life’s challenges. Despite the stability of his upbringing, Jacob has faced his fair share of obstacles, including a move from Reno to Austin, the death of his grandpa, adapting to college life, and going through the COVID pandemic. Throughout it all, Jacob credits the unwavering presence and provision of God as the common thread that helped him weather these storms. With the support of family, friends, and his faith, Jacob found the strength to endure and emerge stronger on the other side.


“In all of these situations, God provided family, friends, peace, discipline, and his presence to help me endure. Therefore, I’d say that there isn’t a whole lot that I could do on my own to inspire others, however, God’s hand in my life is something that can genuinely inspire and change lives,” says Jacob. 


Jacob Duffer attributes his success to the Business Fellows program at Baylor University. Not only has it allowed him to take classes in both the business and religion departments, but it has also given him a well-rounded education that has equipped him with valuable skills in management, finance, and religion. This education will be instrumental wherever his future in ministry takes him. As for after graduation, Jacob plans to attend seminary to earn a masters of divinity, so that he can continue to pursue God’s calling to full-time ministry.

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