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Between The Lines Debuts—Again

By Meg Cullar

Members and friends of the Baylor Alumni Association (BAA) received a treat in their e-mail boxes Wednesday with the relaunch of the association’s electronic newsletter, Between the Lines (BTL). The newsletter has been on hiatus while undergoing a redesign.

Loyal readers should be happy to find new and interesting stories in a fresh format, but they will also be relieved to find that everyone’s favorite feature—Family Album—is still a part of Between the Lines.

“We are excited about the reintroduction of BTL and about having this forum for communication with Baylor alumni,” said Julie Copenhaver ’01, MA ’08, the BAA’s online marketing and communications coordinator. “We are certainly interested in feedback from alumni, so let us hear from you.”

Between the Lines contains alumni profiles, campus news, news from the BAA, and more. The popular Family Album  feature includes photos that alumni send for inclusion. (Whether it’s a photo of your new baby or your “old” Baylor classmates, readers of BTL want to see it.) Between the Lines will mail to BAA members and friends every other month.

In the meantime, news from the Baylor campus, the BAA, and alumni around the world appears regularly on the BAA website at Look for the newsfeed, Line Notes, located on the righthand side of the main page.

If you did not receive Between the Lines via e-mail and would like to, send your e-mail address to

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