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BAA Down the Years: Baylor Nationwide

By Todd Copeland

On June 1, 1979, the Baylor Alumni Association assumed responsibility for overseeing Baylor Nationwide, a program that Baylor had begun in 1977 to connect with alumni across the country by holding alumni gatherings in major cities and establishing program leaders in all fifty states (1979 logo shown).

In describing the new arrangement, future Baylor president and then executive vice president Dr. Herbert H. Reynolds wrote: “One of the most positive changes at Baylor in recent years has been the growth in effectiveness of the Baylor Alumni Association. Alumni have always been vitally interested in Baylor’s future and have contributed immeasurably to Baylor’s progress. However, the advancements of the association in the last four or five years are particularly notable. Response to the new organization with a dues-paying membership structure has been tremendous. The new alumni center is among the finest such facilities in our nation. The staff continues to grow and can undertake more programs to benefit Baylor.”

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