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BAA board votes “yes” after reviewing new license for Baylor Line

In a meeting Tuesday, members of the Baylor Alumni Association board of directors voted 28-7 to support the proposed Transition Agreement, which is up for a member vote on Saturday, September 7.

Before the vote, board members received a copy of the license agreement between the university and the Baylor Line Corporation (BLC), which will be created if the Transition Agreement is approved by two-thirds of BAA members who vote in person on Saturday.

The BLC license agreement, available ONLINE HERE with supporting documents, has now been signed by Baylor Board of Regents chair Richard Willis and Baylor president Ken Starr, pending approval of the full Baylor Board of Regents at a Friday meeting.

BAA board president Collin Cox ’97 pointed out several strengths of the new agreement for the Baylor Line:

  • The magazine will be published by a fully independent 501(c)3 nonprofit entity, the Baylor Line Corporation, chartered under Texas state law—not chartered by Baylor University.
  • The agreement provides for editorial independence—more independence than the Line currently enjoys.
  • The agreement allows Line staff members the same access to university news sources as enjoyed by other university publications.

Cox also said the new license agreement is based on principles of academic freedom, a concept which is mentioned throughout.

The BLC license agreement was developed with input from a Journalism Advisory Group (JAG) of Baylor graduates and supporters with decades of experience in newspapers and magazines. The group, convened by BAA board member Ella Wall Prichard ’63, worked with Mike Bourland ’66, JD ’69, attorney for the BAA, to make recommendations for the BLC license agreement to ensure editorial independence and access to Baylor officials.

At the time of the BAA board’s vote on Tuesday, there were thirty-nine eligible voters on the conference call, and thirty-five voted. Thirteen members were absent. Eighty percent of those who cast a vote supported the agreement.

A special called meeting of the BAA membership will be Saturday, September 7, at 11 a.m. in Waco Hall for the purpose of voting on the approval of the Transition Agreement, which would dissolve the BAA and create a new entity, the Baylor Line Corporation, among other provisions.

BAA members must be present to vote, according to provisions in the BAA bylaws. The voting begins at 11:30 a.m., preceded by a discussion forum and period of debate. Members can read the Transition Agreement documents, along with news and editorials, at

For the latest Transition news, “like” the BAA on Facebook and follow the BAA on Twitter @BaylorAlumAssoc.

Schedule for Saturday, September 7:
8 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.              Member Verification / In front of Waco Hall
8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.     Discussion Forum / Waco Hall
11 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.           Voting Meeting: Debate Portion / Waco Hall
*11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.     Polls Open / Waco Hall Lobby
*Members may “drop in” to vote during this time without attending other events. Everyone who is in the member verification line by 1:30 p.m. will be allowed to vote, if eligible.

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