We had a terrific turnout of more than 250 BAA members. families and friends at our annual Homecoming Tailgate just before Baylor beat Kansas in Big 12 football action. It was a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new ones…and we were particularly pleased with the smiles on everyone’s face and the opportunity to discuss the future direction of the BAA.
Take a look at these pictures from the event, which was held at the Texas Sports Hall of Fame. We’ll admit that we were snapping our cameras so fast that we didn’t get everyone’s name so if you can help us out a bit, please send me a note at peter@bayloralumniassociation.com and I’ll update the post. This was so much fun that we’re hoping we won’t have to wait another year before we do it again!
If you see a photo you like, just right click and you can save it to your own computer.
Nancy and Tom Nesbitt, Stan Schlueter, and Jeff Jones

Seated: Martha Scallorn, Candy Jones, Don Haney, Ryan Scallorn, Richard Scallorn